Pet Food Bank

Everyone falls on hard times. Our pet food bank distributes an average of 40,000 lbs. annually of dry pet food & litter to over 600 families in need.
We depend 100% on broken bags from local stores and donation drives from the community to keep this program going. If you happen to live with a food snob, don’t throw away those partially used bags of food or treats – we will happily take those off your hands so long as in its original packaging. Smaller bags under 40 lbs. typically work best as many of our clients are seniors or disabled and have a difficult time carrying the bigger bags.




  • –> Food is available for pick up once every 3 months.
  • –> All dogs & cats in the home must be spayed-neutered without exception. If there are unaltered pets, at least one pet must be fixed prior to the next food allocation. This provides a 3-month period to save up to fix each pet. Our low-cost spay-neuter clinic provides greatly discounted pricing and financial aid referrals for those who need extra help.
  • –> Families are not allowed to acquire additional pets while receiving assistance. Our goal is for each family to eventually be able to comfortably feed all of their pets without assistance.
  • –> We have a lot of pets to help with limited resources. Families found to be dishonest about fixing pets or any other program requirements will be removed.