Saturday, August 27th Only, (8am-2pm) at the Humane Society of Clarksville-Montgomery County
940 Tennessee Avenue
(The blue building behind Arby’s on Riverside Drive)
The Humane Society of Clarksville-Montgomery Co. will be utilizing a grant to provide our community with VERY reduced spay-neuter rates for CATS and PIT BULLS (or mixes) ONLY. IF YOU KNOW ANY FAMILIES THAT ARE STRUGGLING WITH CARING FOR AN UNALTERED CAT OR PIT BULL… PLEASE EDUCATE THEM ON THIS ONE DAY OPPORTUNITY!
Why just cats & pit bulls??? As you may already know, currently 100% of pit bulls & mixes are euthanized at Montgomery Co. Animal Control, with the exception of very few that are lucky enough to be pulled by a rescue group. The latest statistics also indicate that approximately 90% of cats are euthanized at the shelter as well. With this single event, we will prevent thousands of future cats & bully breeds from potentially being euthanized at the shelter. Thank you for supporting & promoting spay-neuter efforts!!
Details are as follows:
Discounted Spay-Neuter Vouchers*
- CATS: $10
- PIT BULLS (or mix): $25
* Pets do not need to be present to obtain voucher. Limit 2 vouchers per household and maximum of 100 vouchers to be issued at above prices. Must provide proof of food stamps, WIC, SSI/SSD or other form of public assis-tance to qualify. NOTE: Additional cat & pit bull vouchers will be available as follows: $40 male cats, $50 female cats & male dogs, $60 female dogs. No income restrictions on these prices! Cash or credit/debit cards only.
PLUS, join us for the GRAND OPENING of our MARKET DAY for Spays.
New and gently used pet-themed supplies & home décor will help us spay-neuter even more pets. Dog houses, pet carriers, grooming supplies, pet attire, tote bags, food/water stations, puppy pads & lots more!